About Us

Honest, unbiased, fact driven reviews supported by hands on testing of every product. This is what drives our team here at Gaming Verdict. We are here to cut out the bullsh*t and provide you with real recommendations, based on real gaming experience.



About Us

Honest, unbiased, fact driven reviews supported by hands on testing of every product. This is what drives our team here at Gaming Verdict. We are here to cut out the bullsh*t and provide you with real recommendations, based on real gaming experience.



by Will

First and foremost we are gamers, every member of our team has been gaming since their early teens, working for Gaming Verdict is simply a bonus!

Who we are.

gaming verdict office organisation

Organising the office…

Gaming Verdict is about giving gamers honest and unbiased recommendations on what we believe is the best gaming gear, by providing you with thorough reviews of hands-on testing from multiple members of our team. We understand that a lot of gaming gear is consumer-led, there is no one size fits all, especially when it comes to gaming mice and to help tackle this we have each and every member of our team test the products and they all have their own favourites which can be viewed on their own top 10 tables.

The point of Gaming Verdict isn’t to push a product that is mediocre just because we make better commissions, but instead its to help educate and guide you in the right direction when it comes to choosing a gaming product.

We have just launched the brand, as of January 2019 and we want to grow within the gaming community, so please if you have any issues let us know and we can work together to make this a better platform for gamers.

Meet the team.

Ben Johnson, Founder & Editorial In Chief

Ben had always been a PC enthusiast long before he realized that there was a lack of online information about PC building.

Charlie Noon, Product Tester & Writer at Gaming Verdict

Full-time Counter-Strike hobbyist with an impressive total amount of gaming hours to match. Always shown an interest in FPS but never really strayed from CS. There’s still time but the odds are stacked against us.

Shaun Conroy, Product Tester & Writer at Gaming Verdict

Like most I was a console kid growing up, I had the glorious TVboy for a while then was treated to the Nintendo SNES. A few years later I was lucky enough to unwrap an N64 and it was GoldenEye 007 that started my love of ‘shoot em ups’.

Many years and consoles later as I was leaving college, I’d finally saved a bit of money to buy my first PC. I initially only bothered with a bit of Counter-Strike Source and would frequently just go play on my Xbox 360 instead but then I discovered the world of competitive FPS through a COD4 mod called promod. It was in this virtual competitive arena I got a taste of adrenaline-filled games and there was no looking back from the PC master race.

What we do.

We analyse, purchase, test and recommend the best gaming gear on the market today.

On launching Gaming Verdict, we focused our attention on mouse bungeesgaming mice and mouse pads, however, we will be expanding into gaming chairsgaming keyboards, and gaming headsets very soon.

The company behind the scenes…

Gaming Verdict is owned by the company By Gamers For Gamers limited, an international gaming company that focuses on providing consumers with thorough reviews of the best gaming products available, as well as helping readers with finding the best PC specs for their new gaming computers via our other brand WePC.com.

Our vision is to create a gaming community which offers the best recommendations based on real testing from real gamers, unbiased and honest feedback. All of the brands that sit within the By Gamers, For Gamers network, follow the same vision.

Have a question?

If you want to get in contact with our team, then please send us a message via our contact page here. Otherwise, you can find us on Facebook here.


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